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“A pharmacy without staff is an empty shell.”


In integrating new locations into the Galenica network, management proceeds with caution. Employees have priority.

Explore the Galenica network together.

Since acquiring Apotheke Dr Grüning AG and the Blümlisalp pharmacy, Galenica is now represented by two Amavita pharmacies in Spiez (BE) and another in Thun (BE). One of the company’s strategic objectives is to further strengthen the pharmacy network to ensure that the people of Switzerland have the most reliable supply of pharmaceuticals as possible. But what does a takeover actually mean for local employees? “We want to retain all employees, because a pharmacy without staff is an empty shell,” explains Virginie Pache, Chief Pharmacies Officer and member of the Galenica Executive Committee. “The new colleagues know the customer base and the local environment.” That’s why it’s important to get everyone excited about Galenica and highlight the opportunities offered by being part of Switzerland’s strongest healthcare network.

Close support during the integration phase

Virginie Pache emphasises: “We are aware that many changes lie ahead for our employees. The new colleagues will have to get used to different systems, new processes and new contacts.” Galenica therefore places great importance on providing close support during the integration phase. “Employees at the acquired locations are usually supported by an experienced pharmacist from the Group to help them get to know the Galenica network better.”

It is also clear to those responsible that a successful takeover requires patience: “It’s perfectly normal for there to be a settling-in phase for processes after a period of uncertainty and change. After a certain amount of time, the processes will be optimised and network effects such as exchange and synergies can arise.”

Special opportunities repeatedly arise for the employees of the pharmacy taken over. For example in Spiez, where two young pharmacists are now managing the pharmacy.

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