Business model (GRI 2-6)
Galenica is active in the healthcare industry and offers healthcare services and products throughout Switzerland. Its customers include patients, pharmacies, drugstores, physicians, hospitals, care homes, home care organisations, health insurers and pharmaceutical companies.
The business activities of the Galenica Group comprise two segments.
“Products & Care” segment
The “Products & Care” segment comprises the “Retail” business area with offerings for patients and end customers (B2C) and the “Professionals” business area with offerings for business customers and partners in the healthcare industry (B2B).
“Logistics & IT” segment
The “Logistics & IT” segment comprises the two sectors “Wholesale” and “Logistics & IT Services”. They operate and develop the logistics and IT platforms of the Galenica Group and offer services to all healthcare providers such as pharmacies, drugstores, physicians, hospitals and care homes.
The value chain of the Galenica network comprises the production, logistics, marketing and sale of products and services in the healthcare market.
- Equity/shareholders
- Liabilities
1.6x net debt
- Buildings (owned/rented)
- Infrastructure (transport/IT)
- Production equipment (internal/external)
- Vehicle fleet (own/partner)
15% vehicles with alternative drive systems
376 pharmacies
CHF 72.8 million investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (capex)
- Brands
- Distribution licences
- Proprietary software
- Investments in digital services
- Specialist staff
80 own and partner brands
CHF 4.8 million investments in proprietary software
- Number of employees
- Training/further education
- Personnel expenses
- Cultural development
7,971 employees
CHF 583.2 million personnel expenses
CHF 5.9 million investments in further education
- Strong long-term partnerships
- Regulators
- Suppliers
- Customers
>2,500 suppliers
39 memberships in associations
- Energy use
- Fossil fuels
- Renewable resources
- Water
- Land
100% electricity from renewable sources
15% renewable drives for vehicle fleet
1,419,862m3 water withdrawal
Galenica's business activities are based on sustainable and ethical corporate governance.
More information on management and organisation can be found in the Corporate Governance Report.
Details on corporate governance can be found in the chapter on sustainable and ethical corporate governance.
Strategic programmes
In ist corporate strategy, Galenica focuses on five strategic programmes. Each strategic programme is based on identified developments and megatrends in Galenica's business environment and ensures that the company is able to respond flexibly to changes.
Details on the strategic programmes can be found in the chapter Galenica strategy.
Vision/Values/Customer promise
Galenica's vision sets out the long-term direction and goals of the company. The vision manifests itself in the customer promise to support people at all stages of life on their journey to health and well-being. We live by our five core values every day, which help us deliver on the customer promise and make our vision a reality.
You can find out more about our vision, values and customer promise in the chapter Purpose of the company.
Galenica faces a number of external influences. The company has identified seven megatrends that are important for its business activities: digitalisation, interconnectedness, changing consumer needs, ageing society, climate change, diversity and equal opportunities and shortage of skilled workers.
You can find out more about the megatrends in the External environment chapter.
- Sales/profit
- Operating Cash Flow
- Dividend
5.4% ROS
3.1% dividend yield
- Pharmacy network
- Products
- Security of supply/procurement
99.0% availability of medicinal products
- Healthcare services in pharmacies
- Licensing of own software
- Consistent customer experience
- Efficient processes
- Patient safety
- Prevention
- Generics substitution
369 million CDS.CE checks
193,000 health services performed
- Employee satisfaction
- Motivation
- Recommendations/employer attractiveness
- Safe working environment
10.8% turnover rate
53.6% women in management
0.1% absence rate
76 motivation score
75 recommendation score
- Broader product range
- Remuneration of health insurers
- Efficiency gains
- Expansion of expertise
- Representation of interests
- Long-term contracts
- Integrity in supply chains
- Reputation
- Customer satisfaction
10 partnerships with health insurers
95.5% net promoter score (degree of target achievement)
- Emissions
- Water consumption
23,938 MWh electricity consumption
11,485 tCO2e GHG emissions
Interactive elements: Discover the details by clicking on the individual parts of the graphic or individual capitals.