Health and safety at work
Galenica prevents injuries to the physical or mental integrity of its employees in the workplace and endeavours to identify potential health risks in good time and to ensure a swift return from illness or accident. A safe and healthy workplace increases employee satisfaction and efficiency. We are convinced that by avoiding accidents and work-related illnesses, we can save significant costs.

Management of the material topic (GRI 3-3)
It goes without saying that Galenica attaches great importance to the physical and mental health of its employees. The topic covers the effects of business activities on the physical and mental well-being of all employees. There is an increased risk of accidents, particularly in the Wholesale & Logistics and Pharmacies units, which is why occupational health and safety play such a key role in these areas. Galenica has a duty to prevent any violation of the physical or psychological integrity of its employees in the workplace. This keeps both personal suffering and costs to a minimum. Galenica also strives to identify potential health risks at an early stage and ensure a swift return to work after an illness or accident. Galenica thus makes a significant contribution to the health and well-being of its employees.
Health and safety precautions for employees (GRI 403-1, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7)
Galenica puts in place measures to protect employee health and maintain safety in the workplace in accordance with the directives of the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS). In late 2024, Galenica drafted a concept for company-wide workplace health management (WHM). This is to be introduced in 2025 following approval by the Executive Committee. Galenica also uses a case management system in order to identify potential health risks for employees and take appropriate measures. This tool is deployed within the first 30 days of absence. The top priority is to ensure that the employee can return to work quickly following an illness or accident. Galenica is working with the organisations Movis and Carelink to improve health protection. Carelink offers emergency psychological support in crisis situations, for example following a robbery of a pharmacy. Movis provides support for employees concerning the protection of their personal integrity as well as stress management and burnout prevention. The Galenica Group also offers all employees an annual flu vaccination.
Due to the increased risk of accidents, the companies Alloga and Galexis also have a systematic absence management system. In the event of above-average or frequent absences, and even after long absences, a return-to-work meeting is held and documented with the employees. Together with Suva, Alloga and Galexis organise training courses on accident prevention and promotion of a safety culture. For example, various courses on ergonomics and trip hazards were also held in 2024.
An integrated safety system has also been introduced at the Galexis sites in Lausanne-Ecublens and Niederbipp that recognises safety-relevant work and situations and also systematically records accident reports for all employees in a timely manner and presents them transparently (e.g. in an accident barometer).
In 2024, both Galexis and Alloga signed up to the Safety Charter, which was launched by Suva in collaboration with employers’ associations, engineers and architects and trade unions, sending a strong signal in favour of a comprehensive safety culture.
In the Galenica Group pharmacies, two employees have been designated as safety officers at each site and have received extensive training on the safety-relevant aspects of the respective location.
The Pharmacies, Healthcare and Wholesale & Logistics units have appointed occupational safety officers. Each Galenica Group site also has fire protection officers who are responsible for fire safety and evacuations, as well as a first aid team that organises first aid.
The Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Galenica Group states that suppliers must ensure a safe and healthy working environment and guarantee the protection of their employees in accordance with all applicable health and safety regulations. Further information on the Code of Conduct for Suppliers can be found in the section Integrity in the supply chain.
Objective occupational health
Goal |
Status |
Target year |
Measurement parameter |
2024 |
2023 |
We will reduce the incidence of occupational accidents and illnesses (physical and mental) by 10%. (base year 2023) |
→ |
2027 |
Absence rate (comparison of target hours/lost hours) |
occupational accidents: 0.10% illnesses: 4.05% |
occupational accidents: 0.09% illnesses: 3.97% |
↗ Realistic
→ Partially delayed/critical
↘ Critical
= Achieved
× Not achieved
The absence rate due to occupational accidents was maintained (+0.01%) in 2024. This result can be attributed to various operational measures.
The total number of cases of long-term absences (>30 days) due to mental illness is known. In order to ensure anonymity, however, Galenica only receives the proportion of cases due to mental illness from the daily allowance insurance records in the event of a large number of cases. The exact illness-related reason for the absence is unknown. This means that no conclusions can be drawn and privacy protection is guaranteed. Compared to the previous year, the number of cases due to mental illness increased by 24%.
Evaluation of the management approach and measures
- Key figures: Employee absences are regularly analysed by the People & Culture department and appropriate measures are taken.
- Safety audit: External safety consultants regularly carry out safety audits at the Service Unit Wholesale & Logistics.
- At Galexis, internal safety audits (inspections) are also carried out on a monthly basis with the corresponding department heads, and measures to improve occupational safety are identified and documented.
Work-related injuries and illnesses (GRI 403-9, 403-10)
Aspect |
GRI Disclosure |
Unit |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
Accidents |
403-9 |
number |
1,089 |
1,233 |
1,072 |
871 |
793 |
Occupational accidents |
403-9 |
number |
195 |
215 |
208 |
163 |
172 |
Absence rate of work-related injuries (accidents) |
403-9 |
% |
0.10 |
0.09 |
0.11 |
0.07 |
Non-occupational accidents |
number |
894 |
1,018 |
864 |
708 |
621 |
Illnesses |
403-10 |
Cases of illness (long-term, entitled to daily sickness benefits) |
403-10 |
number |
499 |
419 |
409 |
434 |
471 |
Absence hours due to illness |
403-10 |
number |
571,887 |
546,097 |
599,540 |
539,990 |
519,883 |
Absenteeism rate |
403-10 |
% |
4.05 |
3.97 |
4.49 |
4.85 |
4.50 |
Case Management |
Return to work rate |
% |
76 |
67 |
82 |
75 |
52 |
Number of occupational and non-occupational accidents 2020–2024
In 2024, Galenica recorded a total of 195 occupational and 894 non-occupational accidents. These figures also include minor accidents, which did not result in an absence of more than three working days. In 2024, minor accidents accounted for 68% of all occupational accidents. The number of occupational accidents decreased by 9% and the number of non-occupational accidents by 12% compared to the previous year. The relative number of occupational accidents per 100 FTEs fell from 3.6 to 3.3.
Most occupational accidents are minor but still have to be reported. Further awareness-raising measures are planned for 2025 to reduce the number of occupational accidents.
The absence rate for occupational accidents was 0.10% in the reporting year and remained relatively constant compared to the previous year.
Number of illnesses 2020–2024
At the end of 2024, Galenica recorded 499 cases of illness. Cases of illness are classed as all long-term absences due to an illness lasting more than 30 days and which are entitled to daily sickness benefits. The number for the reporting year should always be interpreted with caution, as certain cases are usually reported at a later date in the following year. Compared to 2020, cases of illness were 6% higher in 2024.
In 2020, Galenica recorded the absences of all employees for the first time. In 2024, the Galenica Group recorded a total of 571,887 hours of absence, an increase of 4.7% over the previous year. Compared to the target hours, this results in an absence rate of around 4% for the reporting year. The absence rate is therefore relatively constant compared to the previous year.
In 2024, Galenica Case Management provided assistance to 93 employees at risk of illness or already ill in order to prevent absences or shorten them where possible. Of 68 closed cases in 2024, 52 employees were able to return to work thanks to Case Management. This corresponds to a return rate of around 76%, which represents an improvement of around 9 percentage points compared to the previous year.