Our approach
Sustainability is an integral part of Galenica’s corporate management. This is based on the steadfast belief that proactive and responsible action contributes significantly to the long-term economic success of a company and has an impact both within and outside a company.
Our sustainability principles
Taking a responsible attitude towards society and the environment is the foundation of our economic success.
This conviction is reflected in Galenica’s three key sustainability principles. Supported by the Executive Committee, they form an essential part of the corporate culture.
Company value
We increase the value of the company in the long term by having a sustainable impact.
We oblige our employees to act responsibly and ensure they have a safe, flexible and supportive working environment.
Resource efficiency
We use resources sparingly and efficiently and reduce negative environmental impacts.
With these guiding principles, we sensitise and motivate employees to continuously increase our resource efficiency, capacity for innovation and, ultimately competitiveness. On the other hand, the lively, ongoing dialogue with the various stakeholders helps to identify requirements and expectations at an early stage and to maintain Galenica’s strong reputation.
Our key sustainability topics are integrated into the corporate vision and strategic areas of activity and are therefore part of the corporate strategy.
Sustainability organisation (GRI 2-12, 2-13, 2-17)
The Board of Directors bears ultimate responsibility for the economic, environmental and social impact of the Galenica Group, including climate-related topics. The Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee (GNSC) advises the Chair of the Board of Directors and the entire Board of Directors on sustainability matters. The GNSC consists of the Chair of the Board of Directors, the Vice Chair and other members of the Board of Directors who are appointed by the entire Board of Directors at the inaugural meeting (first meeting after the General Meeting) for a term of office of one year. The Committee annually reviews the materiality matrix, sustainability goals and potential climate-related risks and opportunities, and ensures that the corporate strategy is aligned with sustainable business management. In the reporting year, the GNSC discussed the topic of sustainability, including climate issues, twice.
The Board of Directors, which approves the sustainability goals and monitors progress in achieving them, discussed the topic of sustainability, including climate-related matters, four times in 2024.
The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the sustainability goals and integrating them into day-to-day business.
The Sustainability Committee (SC) is led by the Chief Sustainability, Public Affairs & Transformation Officer, who plays an advisory and coordinating role as a member of the extended Executive Committee. The Committee prepares specific proposals on implementing the sustainability strategy for the attention of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The main task is to systematise internal sustainability management and external reporting and to ensure that targets are set and measures implemented. The Committee includes representatives from all key sustainability topics, all companies and company areas as well as the Executive Committee.
The SC met four times in the reporting year. The focus was on TCFD implementation, Scope 3 emissions, customer satisfaction and employee health. In between Committee meetings, several smaller meetings were held by individual working groups to discuss the progress made with the sustainability goals and the implementation of the measures. In 2024, these were further substantiated or already implemented in the responsible areas. The SC coordinates the activities and the Chief Sustainability, Public Affairs & Transformation reports regularly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the implementation and management of climate-related risks and opportunities. The Chief Sustainability, Public Affairs & Transformation chairs the Sustainability Committee and is primarily responsible for the sustainability strategy. The CFO integrates climate-related risks and opportunities into risk management and reports to the Executive Committee on progress twice per year.
Materiality analysis and matrix (GRI 2-14, 3-1, 3-2)
Already in 2023, Galenica conducted a materiality analysis based on the dual materiality principle. First, the impact of Galenica’s business activities on its social, environmental and economic environment was assessed through expert interviews with internal and external stakeholder groups relevant to Galenica. This information was combined with legal requirements, ESG standards and ratings as well as comparisons with other companies. The results were summarised thematically and discussed by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Using an online survey, internal and external stakeholder groups – investors, partners, suppliers, customers, associations, employees and authorities – were asked about the key topics. They had to assess each from two perspectives and assign a score from very low to very high:
- Financial relevance for Galenica (outside-in perspective)
- Relevance for the social, environmental and economic environment of Galenica (inside-out perspective)
The evaluated results of the online survey are summarised in the matrix below. As part of the annual review, the materiality matrix was confirmed and acknowledged by the Executive Commitment and the Board of Directors for the year under review.
Further information on the management of the material topics can be found in the Sustainability organisation section and in the GRI Report.
Galenica provides information on the development of material topics once a year in its sustainability report. The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and approving the reported information.
Note about the graphic: Click on the various icons in the graphic for interactive information.
Social commitment
We take our social responsibility seriously and support various social and humanitarian projects as the main partner of the crowdfunding platform “there for you”. We also support voluntary work by employees, donations and sponsoring social initiatives and events. These philanthropic activities contribute to the well-being of the communities and promote their cohesion.
Equality and Diversity
The theme of diversity and equal opportunity involves issues of equality and equal treatment with regard to age, origin, gender and other diversity indicators. The diversity of employees also boosts the company’s ability to innovate, its success and its attractiveness as an employer. We are committed to diversity and equality and bring together people from over 85 countries and all age groups.
Waste and packaging
In addition to traditional municipal waste, we also produce medical and chemical waste. The prevention, reduction, recycling and professional disposal of waste is of central importance to us.
Greenhouse gas emissions and resources
Our business activities impact the environment and the climate in various ways. In order to provide our services, we consume renewable as well as non-renewable resources. These processes generate gaseous, liquid and solid waste products as well as greenhouse gases. Therefore, we strive to use natural resources sparingly and efficiently and to reduce negative environmental impacts.
Integrity in the supply chain
We ensure that both we as a company and our business partners comply with international and national laws and norms, as well as industry-specific standards, good practices and human rights. This guarantees decent work, fair wages and equality in the supply chain, which has a positive effect on the industry and promotes sustainable economic growth in Switzerland.
Health and safety at work
This topic covers the effects of our business activities on the physical and mental well-being of all employees. Galenica is responsible for the safety and health protection of its employees and is obliged to prevent any injury to the physical or psychological integrity of its employees in the workplace.
Sustainable and ethical corporate governance
We attach great importance to conducting our business activities in an ethical and legally correct manner. All business activities are carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation. Compliance includes complying with laws, standards (e.g. ISO 14001 or GDP) as well as company and industry codes. Key issues for us include fighting corruption and anti-competitive behaviour, compliance with the Ordinance on Integrity and transparency in the therapeutic products sector.
Health promotion
In view of the ageing population, preventive health care and prevention are important measures to promote the well-being and health of the Swiss population. This approach is an integral part our strategy. The aim is to be the point of contact for healthcare advice for people in pharmacies, digitally or at home and thus to guarantee nationwide, low-threshold access to healthcare services.
Attractive workplace
More than 8,000 employees give their all every day for the health and well-being of our customers. As a key employer in the Swiss healthcare market, Galenica makes an important contribution to the Swiss economy and supports sustainable labour and economic growth. We believe that an attractive workplace includes employment conditions and employee motivation. These influence the satisfaction and well-being of employees and, in turn, their efficiency and productivity as well as fluctuation.
IT Security and Cybercrime
This topic covers the protection of IT systems of organisations against threats such as cyberattacks. As a healthcare provider, we process sensitive information and data, which is why the topic is highly relevant. We ensure that this information and data is protected from unauthorised access and modifications or loss.
Data Protection
The purpose of data protection is to protect the privacy and fundamental rights of persons whose data is processed. At Galenica, this applies in particular to the data of customers, patients and employees. Health data is very sensitive and protected by special requirements. As a healthcare provider, we attach great importance to transparency, security and self-determination.
Security of supply and procurement
This topic describes how to ensure the supply of medicines to the population. Supply bottlenecks in the pharmaceutical supply chain are increasing worldwide, including in Switzerland. As a result, reliable procurement and supply of medicines to the population are becoming more and more important for Galenica.
Patient safety
This topic relates to all the effects of products and services on the well-being of patients. It includes the safety and quality of therapeutic products as well as the quality of information and services. Patient safety and health are a top priority for us.
Our sustainability goals
The SC has set specific sustainability goals, which were approved for the first time at the end of 2021. These goals have been discussed regularly since then. Following the adjustment in 2023, the SC reviewed the goals again in the reporting year and further specified them. The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors approved them in March 2024.
More information: Select an area to learn more about our goals.
Corporate governance
We train our employees in compliance several times a year, tailored to the respective target group.
Several times per year, we carry out measures to raise employee awareness in the area of data protection.
Several times per year, we make our employees aware of IT security and cybercrime.
Patients and customers
We will increase the use of Clinical Decision Support Checks (CDS.CE) to 500 million by 2025 and 1 billion by 2030.
We will check compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct annually from 2025 by means of spot checks.
Customer satisfaction is at the centre of all activities. The satisfaction of end customers is systematically measured by their willingness to recommend us to other (rNPS) and the gap compared to the average of the competition is determined.
We will increase the number of healthcare services provided by 10% each year until 2027 (base year 2023).
Employee survey “Opinio”: We will increase the participation rate by 1 percentage point per year and keep the motivation and recommendation rate at its current level (base year 2023).
We are reducing the time-to-hire by 10% by 2027 (base year 2023 for Pharmacies Sales, 2024 for all other areas).
We will improve diversity in all units and group companies and keep the proportion of female managers at 50%.
We will reduce the incidence of occupational accidents and illnesses (physical and mental) by 10% (base year 2023).
From 2025, we will be sourcing 100% of our electricity from renewable sources at all our locations.
We will reduce the intensity of our operational greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1+2) by 25% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 (base year 2021).
We will replace 40% of the fossil fuels in our vehicle fleet (in-house and external vehicles contracted by us) with renewable alternatives by 2032.
Specifically, the following changes were made to the way the goals are formulated in the reporting year:
For all three objectives in the area of corporate governance, the specific number of measures implemented has been replaced with the term “several times a year”. The relevance of taking measures varies depending on the target group. A fixed number is therefore not appropriate.
The target for the “employee survey” has been adjusted. It is our ambition to convince more employees to participate each time the survey is conducted. In addition to the motivation rate, we also included the recommendation rate, as these correlate with each other. This value is at a pleasing level and should at least be maintained compared to the base year of 2023.
Furthermore, the target of “time to hire” no longer applies specifically only to IT and pharmacy staff, but to all professional groups. In addition, the staff turnover rate has been deleted, as it varies greatly depending on the area and is not meaningful enough as a target in terms of the sum of areas. This is because our job profiles are very different ant therefore the relevance of the loss of expertise varies greatly in terms of staff turnover.
Targets for mental illness and occupational and non-occupational accidents have been combined to ensure consistent recording and reporting of absence rates. The new wording reads: "We will reduce the absence rate of occupational accidents and illnesses (physical and mental) by 10% (base year 2023).”
The wording of the target regarding “customer satisfaction” now also includes the component of measuring the gap compared to the average among competitors. This allows the rNPS recommendation rate achieved to be classified more precisely.
From 2025, we will not inspect the top 10 suppliers every three years, but will instead carry out random checks every year – and not just of the top suppliers. The annual random check, which also includes smaller suppliers, allows a broader analysis and strengthens compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
When it comes to reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, we now distinguish between Scope 1, 2 and 3. Our current focus is on operational emissions (Scope 1+2). A roadmap to reduce Scope 3 emissions is in preparation. This then forms the basis for submitting the emission targets (all scopes) to SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative).
The target regarding the replacement of fossil fuels in our vehicle fleet has been supplemented by the addition of the phrase “own and contracted” and is now set for 2032. The reason for this is that partner vehicles are increasingly being added to our fleet and the technology for renewable drive systems with the required power is taking a little longer than originally assumed, particularly in delivery transport. The industry is not yet able to offer us broadly applicable solutions that meet all the requirements.
The previous environmental target “We will reduce our municipal waste by 50% by 2025” was deleted completely in 2024. This decision was made based on multiple responses from internal and external stakeholders who had questioned the relevance of the target in relation to the other targets.
With the measures taken and implemented in 2024, achieving the goals is generally realistic and on track. Some goals will be slightly delayed due to new or adapted processes and expanded data bases or have been adjusted due to new findings.
Further information on progress towards our sustainability goals can be found in the GRI Report.
Dialogue with stakeholders (GRI 2-29)
Meaningful stakeholder engagement is characterised by continuous two-way communication and depends on the goodwill of all parties involved. Galenica strives for successful collaboration by promoting regular exchange through various communication channels. This allows the various stakeholder groups to proactively voice their concerns and expectations of the company at any time. Galenica is addressing the topics arising from this and shaping further dialogue in accordance with the current challenges and needs of its stakeholders. This ensures that the topics are relevant to the target group and that the dialogue brings added value for both sides. The Executive Committee regularly discusses the concerns and priorities of the various stakeholder groups and reports to the Board of Directors. In this way, stakeholder concerns are incorporated into the decision-making process as far as possible.
Stakeholder group |
Why we are committed |
How we are committed |
Topics discussed in 2024 |
Customers |
Increase customer satisfaction |
Customer surveys |
Satisfaction with healthcare services |
Determine potential for improvement |
Low-threshold access to healthcare services |
Shareholders |
Increase trust in the company |
Dialogue at AGM |
Galenica’s role in Swiss healthcare |
Cashflow |
Annual communication via Annual Report |
Further development of the company |
Galenica as an attractive and secure investment |
Investor Day and roadshows |
Innovation and new business areas |
Direct investor dialogue |
Suppliers |
Continuous improvement process in quality management |
Code of Conduct for Suppliers |
Quality aspects |
Transparency |
Direct dialogue between Purchasing and delivery partners |
Costs and prices |
Providing a seamless service |
Satisfaction survey of key suppliers |
Innovations |
Supply chain integrity |
Safety Stock initiative |
Supply chain integrity |
Ensuring ability to deliver |
Product availability |
Scientific institutions |
Promoting young talent |
Financing of the Chair of the University of Bern (Pharmacy) |
Quality of teaching |
Training for healthcare professions |
Lectures on vocational training |
Attractiveness of healthcare professions (retail pharmacy) |
Current and potential employees |
Attracting and retaining qualified employees |
Active recruitment |
Galenica as an attractive employer |
Employee satisfaction and motivation |
Fringe benefits |
Attractiveness of healthcare professions |
Fair employment conditions |
University marketing/events |
Position Galenica as an employer of choice |
Authorities and associations |
Political influence |
Membership of association boards |
Galenica’s role in Swiss healthcare |
Ensuring sustainable business operations |
Regular dialogue with relevant associations |
Opportunities and risks of liberalisation in the healthcare sector |
Meetings with politicians, authorities |
Costs/cost containment |
Memberships of associations and interest groups (GRI 2-28)
Galenica is involved in various healthcare and industry associations in order to represent its interests. Membership in these organisations allows us to help shape the framework conditions for Galenica and strengthen our network. In addition, we gain new insights into our business activities through exchanges with other companies and organisations. In the reporting period, Galenica was a member of the following associations and interest groups:
ASSGP, Association of the Swiss Self-Medication Industry
Association QualiCCare, Association for the Improvement of Quality in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases in Switzerland
ASTAG, Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association
Avenir Suisse, Switzerland’s liberal think tank
Blistersuisse, the association of major professional blister packaging companies in Switzerland
Liberal healthcare alliance
CAP, Centre d’Animation des Pharmaciens de Suisse
Fédération des industries Alimentaires Suisses (FIAL) GESKES, Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition
Gesellschaft für Marketing
GIRP, European Healthcare Distribution Association
GRIP-Pharma – Groupement Romand de l’Industrie Pharmaceutique
GSASA, Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists
GS1 Switzerland, Organisation for standards and solutions as a basis for digitalisation
Helvecura Genossenschaft, compulsory storage organisation for therapeutic products
HIV, Trade and Industry Association of the canton of Bern
Interessengemeinschaft eHealth
KEIS, Association for Plastic Disposal in Switzerland
Medswiss.net Trägerverein, Swiss Umbrella Association of Physician Networks
pharmalog, Swiss Pharma Logistics Association
pharmaSuisse, Swiss Association of Pharmacists
Refdata, Refdata Foundation
SANI – Swiss Association of Nutrition Industries
SanteneXt, the do tank of the Swiss healthcare system
ScienceIndustries, Business Association for Chemistry-Pharma-Biotech
SGSH – Swiss Society of Hospital Hygiene
Sitem-Insel AG, research and development activities
SKW – Swiss Association for Cosmetics and Detergents
Swiss Healthcare Startups, leading networking organisation for the Swiss healthcare ecosystem
Swiss Medtech, Swiss Medical Technology Association
GFH Healthcare Retailers Association
VEZ, Association of Electronic Payments
VGUA, Association of Independent Pharmacies
VIPS, Association of Pharmaceutical Companies in Switzerland
VSV, Swiss Mail-order Trade Association
VSVA, Association of Swiss Mail-order Pharmacies
SMVO, Swiss Medicine Verification Organisation
SVKH, Swiss Association for Therapeutic Products in Complementary Medicine
Swissholdings, Association of Industrial and Service Groups in Switzerland
VNL Switzerland, Verein Netzwerk Logistik e.V.
VWG, Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the global reference framework for sustainable development. The Galenica Group is committed to the SDGs. As Switzerland’s leading fully integrated healthcare provider, we make an important contribution to SDG 3 (Good health and Well-being). This objective is central to our business activities and is in line with our customer promise to support people at every stage of life on their journey towards health and well-being. Our corporate activities also influence SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and strong institutions).

Patient safety and health
Patient safety and health are a top priority for us. With personal and competent advice and a unique range of products and services, we support our patients in all aspects of life, promote their well-being and enable people of all ages to lead a healthy life.

Emissions and climate change
We promote the use of renewable energies in distribution, the use of public transport and electric cars by our employees. We are looking to increase energy efficiency and are investigating the installation of photovoltaic systems. In addition, we have defined specific targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and replace fossil fuels. We want to use only renewable energy sources at all our operation sites. Furthermore, we rely on supply chain partnerships in accordance with SDG 17 to promote circularity with regard to climate, water and waste. With these measures, we are contributing to the fight against climate change.

Waste and recycling
In addition to traditional municipal waste, we also produce medical and chemical waste. The avoidance, reduction, recycling and professional disposal of waste is of central importance to us. By disposing of medicines properly, we also contribute to preservation of biodiversity. Environmentally friendly waste management forms the basis for responsible consumption and production.

IT security and cybercrime
With the increasing digitalisation of the healthcare system, the risk of cyber attacks is growing. This is why IT security is highly important at Galenica. As a healthcare provider, we process sensitive information and data. We ensure that these are protected against unauthorised access and modifications or loss. Protecting IT systems is key to a peaceful and inclusive society as well as strong institutions.

Data protection
Protecting patients and customer data is a top priority for us. We respect and protect the personal data and privacy of patients when processing their data. Our Data Protection Policy contains general rules on the organisation and responsibilities of the Galenica Group with regard to data protection. Data protection is an important basis of a peaceful and inclusive society as well as strong institutions.

Reliable procurement and supply chain
We work closely with suppliers to ensure the highest possible availability of medicines. An IT-based scheduling system also helps us to optimise procurement and logistics processes. Reliable provision of medicines to the population is essential to promoting health and well-being.

Employee motivation and development
Our employees play a key role in our success. We consistently promote employee motivation and development by offering our employees attractive and fair employment conditions, modern and flexible working models and various programmes and opportunities for further development. We also committed to the next generation of qualified employees and train apprentices. With all these measures, we are supporting sustainable labour and economic growth in Switzerland.

Retention of qualified employees
Retaining skilled employees in the healthcare professions and IT sectors is a major challenge in Switzerland. Our recruitment strategy includes measures to promote the company’s image as an employer, positioning and university marketing for pharmaceutical students in order to secure qualified employees. In doing so, we are supporting sustainable labour and economic growth in Switzerland.

Occupational health and safety
The physical and mental health of employees is a high priority at Galenica. We take all possible precautions to protect the health and safety of all employees in the workplace. We also operate a case management system to identify potential health risks at an early stage and enable a rapid return to work after an illness or accident. We are thus making a significant contribution to the health and well-being of our employees.

Diversity and equal opportunity
We are committed to diversity and equality and bring together people from over 85 countries and all age groups. Three-quarters of employees are women. Our Code of Conduct states that we do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment. We also ensure that salaries are equal between men and women. We guarantee equal opportunities and are committed to reducing inequalities. In doing so, we are also contributing to SDG 5 (Gender Equality).

Corporate Governance
Good and transparent corporate governance is crucial for us to manage the company effectively and efficiently. In addition, corporate governance forms the basis for a peaceful and inclusive society based on equal participation of all people, as well as strong institutions.

We attach great importance to conducting our business activities in an ethical and legal manner. All our business activities are conducted in accordance with applicable laws and compliance with human rights is essential for us. This is how we contribute to a peaceful and inclusive society.