Modern research, centuries-old tradition
Padma Ltd., the specialist for products derived from Tibetan medicine, has been part of the Galenica subsidiary Verfora since January 2023. Two Padma formulations are market leaders in the treatment of mild circulatory disorders.

Zurich, 1958: Karl Lutz, a successful pharmaceutical entrepreneur from Zurich, attends a lecture on Tibetan medicine at the ETH Zurich. He is impressed by the Tibetan approach of looking at the human body holistically and the natural herbal formulations. Karl Lutz founds a study group for Tibetan medicine made up of renowned doctors, which investigates the formulations' areas of application. In 1969, Padma Ltd. is founded. In the 1970s, Padma Lax® and Padma 28N® are the first products to receive approval from the Swiss authorities. Tibetan medicine has arrived in Europe, modern research and centuries-old tradition form a synthesis.
Bern, 2023: Galenica announces that its subsidiary Verfora will acquire 100% of Padma Ltd. at the end of January. The acquisition further strengthens Verfora’s expertise in complementary medicine. With Padma 28 N® and Padmed Circosan N®, the Swiss market leaders in the treatment of mild circulatory disorders join the Verfora portfolio. While Padma 28N® is freely available on the market as an OTC preparation, Padmed Circosan N® is on the speciality list and can be billed through health insurance funds if prescribed by a doctor. Other products include Padma Digestin Plus® for balanced digestion and Padma Nervoben®, which supports the normal functioning of the nervous system. Padma’s products are sold via Verfora’s medical field sales force. The long-established company has been integrated into the Products & Marketing sector as an independent Business Unit. The 39 employees at headquarters in Wetzikon are now part of the Galenica network with the leading partners in the Swiss healthcare market.