GRI Index
In the interests of greater convenience and comparability, this report contains standard disclosures under the GRI sustainability reporting standards.
Indicator |
Unit |
2020 |
2019 1) |
General GRI standard disclosures |
Employees |
GRI 102-8 |
Quantity |
7,205 |
7,071 |
– of which women |
Quantity |
5,308 |
5,268 |
– of which part-time employees (<90%) |
Quantity |
3,039 |
2,897 |
Specific standard disclosures |
Society |
Employment |
Employee turnover |
GRI 401-1 |
% |
10.6 |
11.4 |
Anti-corruption |
GRI 205-2 |
Employees who received anti-corruption training |
Quantity |
0 2) |
78 |
Environment |
Energy |
Energy consumption within the organisation |
GRI 302-1 |
GJ |
159,421 |
134,312 |
– Non-renewable sources (heating oil, natural gas, diesel) |
GJ |
75,012 |
56,504 |
– Renewable sources (hydropower, solar energy) |
GJ |
84,409 |
77,807 |
Energy consumption outside of the organisation |
GRI 302-2 |
– Upstream and downstream transport and distribution |
GJ |
57,054 |
52,527 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
GRI 302-4 |
GJ |
1,851 |
1,418 |
Emissions |
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) |
GRI 305-1 |
– Fuels and combustibles |
tCO 2 e |
4,261 |
2,997 |
Indirect energy greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) |
– Purchased electricity |
tCO 2 e |
2,072 |
2,191 |
Other indirect energy greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) |
GRI 305-3 |
– Upstream and downstream transport and distribution |
tCO 2 e |
4,244 |
3,907 |
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity |
GRI 305-4 |
– Total greenhouse gas emissions per CHF net sales |
gCO 2 e/CHF |
3.0 |
2.8 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions |
GRI 305-5 |
tCO 2 e |
74 |
51 |
Waste |
Total weight of waste |
GRI 306-2 |
t |
2,850 |
2,507 |
By type: |
– Non-hazardous waste |
t |
2,515 |
2,218 |
– Hazardous waste |
t |
335 |
289 |
By disposal method: |
– Incineration |
t |
1,133 |
1,050 |
– Hazardous waste incineration |
t |
335 |
289 |
– Recycling |
t |
1,382 |
1,168 |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
GRI 306-3 |
Quantity |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Compliance |
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
GRI 307-1 |
0 |
0 |
1) Given the continuous optimisation of the environmental indicator system and gradual expansion of system limits (due to the primarily inorganic growth of the company), data have only limited comparability from year to year and may deviate from previously published data.
2) No anti-corruption training was held in 2020.