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Information policy

Corporate Governance

Galenica and its companies operate an active and transparent information policy towards all their stakeholder groups. Consistency and credibility are two fundamental principles that are reflected in factual, comprehensive, and objective communication.

Ad hoc announcements pursuant to Article 53 Listing Rules

Price-sensitive facts are communicated in a timely manner via electronic media and in accordance with the applicable SIX Swiss Exchange Directive on Ad hoc Publicity (see

Periodic publications

Once a year, Galenica publishes an annual report and a half-year report. The full versions of these publications are available on the Galenica website. Galenica sends a printed version of the Annual Report to shareholders by mail only upon request.

The invitation to the Annual General Meeting is sent to shareholders electronically or by mail and is additionally published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce.


All Galenica publications, all media releases, and other supplementary information about the Group can be found on the Galenica website (

Contact persons and important publication dates

For shareholders

For shareholders in relation to Corporate Governance:
Barbara Wälchli, Secretary of the Board of Directors
phone +41 58 852 85 78,

For investors

Julian Fiessinger, CFO
phone +41 58 852 85 31,

For the media

Iris Müller, Chief Communications Officer
phone +41 58 852 85 17,

Agenda 2025/2026

Further important dates can be found on the Galenica website.

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