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Remuneration system of the Corporate Executive Committee (GRI 2-20)

Remuneration report

In order to attract talented employees, reward performance, promote the loyalty of key talents and ensure their long-term commitment to Galenica, Galenica offers competitive remuneration. The remuneration model applicable to the Corporate Executive Committee is based on three components: a fixed remuneration (including a base salary and benefits), a short-term bonus and a long-term incentive.

Remuneration components

The remuneration of the Corporate Executive Committee consists of a fixed remuneration, benefits and a variable remuneration. The variable remuneration allows members of the Corporate Executive Committee to participate in the success of Galenica. The variable remuneration for the Corporate Executive Committee includes a short-term bonus (STI) and a long-term incentive (LTI).

The STI compensates for annual performance. Up to 2022, it was based on the annual financial company results and individual performance. In 2023, the individual performance was replaced by an ESG component. No changes were made to the STI in the reporting year or are currently planned going forward.

The LTI on the other hand rewards for the long-term performance and harmonises the interests of shareholders with those of the executives. No changes to the LTI were implemented in the reporting year or are currently planned going forward.

Consequently, the remuneration system rewards short-term success as well as long-term performance and sustainable value creation for customers and shareholders in a balanced manner. In order to align the interests of members of the Corporate Executive Committee with the interests of shareholders, a portion of the STI (32%) and the entire LTI (100%) are awarded in shares of Galenica.

In accordance with Galenica's share ownership guidelines, members of the Corporate Executive Committee are required to hold shares of Galenica equal in value to at least 75% of their fixed annual base salary and target STI within a period of five years of their appointment to the Corporate Executive Committee.

For the CEO as well as the other Corporate Executive Committee members, the maximum STI and the maximum LTI are each limited to 200% of the respective target value, as defined in the Articles of Association of Galenica (Article 22 (7a) and Article 22 7(b), respectively).

In addition to the remuneration components mentioned above, the members of the Corporate Executive Committee are eligible to participate in the share acquisition plan where employees are invited every year to acquire a certain number of blocked shares of Galenica at a discounted price (more information in the Notes to the consolidated financial statements 2024 (note 29, Share-based payments) and in the GRI report).

Overview of the remuneration components for the Corporate Executive Committee

Remuneration component





Performance measures

Annual base salary

Monthly cash salary


Attract and retain employees



Pension & benefits

Pension and insurances Fringe benefits


Protect against risks Attract and retain employees



Short-term bonus (STI)

Annual bonus in cash & shares blocked for 5 years


Compensate for annual performance


Combination of financial objectives for the Group and a collective ESG component: GEP (50%) Annual net sales growth (25%) ESG component (25%) 1)

Long-term incentive (LTI)

PSU with a 3-year performance vesting


Compensate for long-term performance Align with shareholders’ interests


GEP and appreciation of share value: Average GEP (50%) Relative total shareholder return (TSR) (50%)

1) The following two collective, equally weighted KPIs were applied to the STI in 2024: Net Promoter Score (NPS) and employee motivation rate

Clawback and malus provisions
For the STI and LTI, clawback and malus provisions apply in case of a financial restatement due to material non-compliance with any accounting reporting standards, or in case a participant acts in violation of the law or internal regulations of Galenica.

Share ownership guidelines
Minimum shareholding requirements of 75% of the fixed annual base salary and target STI.

Annual base salary (fixed)

The annual base salary is the fixed remuneration reflecting the scope and key areas of responsibility of the function, the skills required to fulfil the function and the individual experience and competencies of the respective Corporate Executive Committee member. The base salary is determined according to typical market practice (external benchmark) and the Group internal salary structure. A base salary at median of the benchmark is considered competitive and, therefore, suitable to reward the expected level of skills and competencies. The base salary is typically reviewed annually based on market salary trends, the company’s ability to pay salaries at a particular level based on its financial performance and the evolving experience of the individual in the function. The annual base salary is paid out in cash in 13 monthly instalments.


Galenica economic profit as a performance indicator

The STI and the LTI significantly depend on the achievement of the GEP (Galenica Economic Profit), which is designed to reflect the principles of value-based management derived from an economic value added (EVA) approach. It is based on the understanding that in the interests of shareholders and other important stakeholder groups, Galenica will strive to achieve a long-term investment return which exceeds the weighted average cost of capital. GEP is the key indicator in Galenica’s value-based management concept. It comprises different values, such as net operating profit after tax (NOPAT), cost of capital (WACC) and invested capital. The Board of Directors considers the economic value added (EVA) approach to be a sound, recognised and meaningful concept that is in line with sustainable value creation. The GEP is calculated as NOPAT less the weighted average cost of capital over the average invested capital. The extent to which the GEP increase is achieved has a 50% impact on the STI and a 50% impact on the number of shares allocated under the LTI. Therefore, poor performance inevitably has a negative impact on the total remuneration (lower bonus, fewer shares, with each of them potentially having a lower value). Further information on the GEP can be found in the Value based management section, under Alternative performance measures in the Annual Report 2024.

Short-term incentive (STI)

The STI aims to reward the achievement of financial and ESG objectives of Galenica over the relevant financial year. The target STI, i.e., the amount paid out if all performance objectives are reached at 100%, is defined individually and annually, before the beginning of the performance year. The target STI is expressed as a percentage of the annual base salary and varies depending on the function in the organisation and on the impact of the function on the overall business result. The target STI for the CEO amounts to 50% of annual base salary and ranges from 40% to 45% of annual base salary for the other members of the Corporate Executive Committee.

In 2024, the financial objectives were weighted at 75% and included the GEP (two-thirds) and annual net sales growth (one-third). The ESG component made up the remaining 25%, consisting of two equally weighted specific objectives, namely the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and employee motivation rate.

STI performance objectives

For each financial objective, a threshold, a target, a cap and a payout curve are defined annually by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee, against which the results are assessed. An achievement at the threshold performance leads to a 50% payout factor, a target achievement leads to a 100% payout factor and achieving the cap corresponds to a 220% payout factor. For the ESG objectives, achieving the cap corresponds to a 150% payout factor. The STI payout overall is capped at 200% of target. The financial and ESG performance targets and achievements for the reporting year are disclosed in the course of the ex-post performance assessment in the section “Remuneration awarded for 2024 and 2023”.

The achievement of the GEP, the Group annual net sales growth and the ESG objectives is assessed by the Remuneration Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.

The payment of the STI is made in the subsequent year after the publication of the Annual Report. The CEO and other members of the Corporate Executive Committee are required to draw 32% of their STI in Galenica shares, while the rest is paid in cash. A discount of 25% on the average stock market price for the month of December in the relevant financial year applies to the shares. The shares remain blocked for five years.

If employment ends due to termination, the calculation and payment for a completed assessment period (= financial year) are based on the effective performance and results. In the event of departure during an assessment period that is still ongoing, 80% of the target STI is paid on a pro-rata basis.

Clawback and malus provisions were introduced in the STI plan in 2023. They allow the Board of Directors to reduce or cancel the payment of an STI and/or to claim back STI payments already made in case of a financial restatement due to material non-compliance with any accounting reporting standards, or in case a participant acts in violation of the law or internal regulations of Galenica.

Long-term incentive (LTI)

The objective of the LTI is to promote the strategy of Galenica, long-term thinking, alignment to shareholders’ interests and the creation of sustainable value for customers and shareholders over the long term. In addition, the LTI aims to strengthen loyalty to Galenica and identification with the company.

The CEO, members of the Corporate Executive Committee and selected members of Senior Management participate in the LTI.

The LTI is based on performance share units (PSU), which are granted to participants after the release of the results for the preceding year and which convert into shares of Galenica subject to service conditions and the attainment of performance objectives over a three-year period defined by the Remuneration Committee. PSU are virtual, i.e., no real shares are issued.

The number of PSU allocated at the beginning of the plan period depends on a defined percentage of the annual base salary of the participant as well as the average share price during the final month prior to allocation, i.e., February. In 2024, the LTI grant for the CEO amounted to 50% of annual base salary and ranged from 10% to 35% of annual base salary for the other members of the Corporate Executive Committee.

The vesting of the PSU is conditional upon continuous employment and the fulfilment of performance conditions during the three-year plan period. The performance objectives are defined by the Remuneration Committee and for the LTI 2024-2026, they include the GEP and relative total shareholders return (relative TSR). Those two performance conditions are equally weighted.

The GEP target is measured by averaging the annual GEP results over the three-year performance period. Relative TSR is measured as a percentile ranking against a peer group of relevant companies. The objective is to outperform half of the peer companies (100% payout). The peer group is approved by the Board of Directors on a yearly basis and includes SMIM companies excluding financial services, real estate and companies that are active in a very cyclical businesses, as well as selected healthcare and pharma companies from the SMI. The peer group for the LTI 2024-2026 is outlined below.

Relative TSR performance peer group for LTI 2024–2026



EMS-Chemie Holding




SIG Group

Barry Callebaut


Georg Fischer


Roche Holding


Straumann Holding

Belimo Holding




Sandoz Group


Tecan Group



Lindt & Sprüngli


Schindler Holding





Lonza Group




VAT Group

The following changes were made to the peer group compared to the LTI 2023-2025: Bachem Holding and DocMorris were removed (exclusion from SMIM in 2023), while BKW and Sandoz Group (inclusion in SMIM in 2023) were added.

For each performance condition, a threshold level of performance is determined, below which there is no vesting, as well as a target level of performance, corresponding to a 100% vesting and a cap providing for a 200% vesting. A linear interpolation is applied between the threshold and the target, and between the target and the cap. The weighted average of the vesting multiple for each performance objective provides for the overall vesting multiple. The number of PSU initially allocated is multiplied by the vesting multiple at the end of the three-year plan period. More details on the LTI performance objectives are provided in the following table.

Overview of LTI structure for 2024–2026

Performance measure



Relative TSR


GEP is measured for each financial year and then averaged across the 3 years of the performance period. It is measured against a pre-determined target average for the performance period to determine the vesting multiple


TSR combines share price appreciation and dividends paid to reflect the annual total return to shareholders The TSR of Galenica is ranked against the TSR of the peer group companies for each financial year of the performance period, the annual percentile rankings are averaged over the 3-year performance period to determine the vesting multiple


Absolute internal measure Demonstrates Galenica’s average operating performance over a 3-year period


Relative external measure Demonstrates Galenica’s shareholders returns compared to relevant peer companies


50% of the PSU grant


50% of the PSU grant

Target level

Pre-determined by the Remuneration Committee 100% vesting


TSR ranking at the median of the peer group 100% vesting

Maximum vesting multiple

200% of target


200% of target

Vesting period

3 years


3 years

Vesting rules and curve

Threshold: GEP target minus CHF 20 million = 50% vesting Target: average GEP target = 100% vesting Maximum: GEP target plus CHF 20 million = 200% vesting Vesting multiple is interpolated linearly between the threshold, target and maximum


Threshold: 25th percentile ranking = 50% vesting Target: median ranking = 100% vesting Stretch: 75th percentile ranking = 150% vesting Maximum: best in the peer group = 200% vesting Vesting multiple is interpolated linearly between the threshold, target and maximum

The performance targets and achievements for the latest LTI vesting are disclosed in the course of the ex-post performance assessment in the section “Remuneration awarded for 2024 and 2023”.

As a rule, the three-year plan period must be completed for employees to be eligible for the conversion of PSU in shares. If the employment is terminated within a plan period, the PSU forfeit without any compensation except in the following cases:

LTI plan period

Clawback and malus provisions apply in the LTI plan. They allow the Board of Directors to reduce or cancel the vesting of outstanding PSU and/or to claim back shares already vested in case of a financial restatement due to material non-compliance with any accounting reporting standards, or in case a participant acts in violation of the law or internal regulations of Galenica.

Pensions and other employee benefits

Employee benefit plans consist mainly of retirement plans and insurance plans that are designed to protect employees against the risks of disability and death. The CEO and the members of the Corporate Executive Committee are covered by the pension scheme applicable to all employees. The pension solution of Galenica fulfils the legal requirements of the Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Pension Schemes (BVG) and is in line with what is being offered on the market.

Except for the expense allowance and the entitlement to a company car in line with the car policy of Galenica, the CEO and the members of the Corporate Executive Committee do not receive any particular additional benefits. The private use of the company car is disclosed at fair value in the remuneration table under other remuneration.

Share ownership guideline

Members of the Corporate Executive Committee are required to hold shares of Galenica equal in value to at least 75% of their fixed annual base salary and target STI within a period of five years of their appointment to the Corporate Executive Committee.

Employment contracts

The CEO and the members of the Corporate Executive Committee are employed under employment contracts of unlimited duration and are subject to a notice period of a maximum of 12 months. They are not entitled to any severance packages, termination payments or change-of-control payments. The employee contracts do not include non-competition clauses. With regard to clawback, the statutory claims for repayment apply (see among others Article 678 of the Swiss Code of Obligations).

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