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Ernst & Young AG, Bern, Switzerland, have been the Galenica Group’s auditors since 2017. Daniel Zaugg, certified accountant and partner at Ernst & Young, has been the leading auditor since the business year 2021. The fees paid to the Group’s auditors, Ernst & Young, in 2023 for their audit of Galenica and its subsidiaries totalled CHF 823,000.

The fees paid to Ernst & Young and their close collaborators for other services rendered to Galenica and its subsidiaries in the period under review amounted to CHF 126,000 for additional advice in audit matters.

In 2023, the auditors attended two meetings of the Audit and Risk Committee. The auditors presented their report to the Board of Directors at the meeting of 7 March 2023.

The auditors are regularly informed of new projects. Their activities are reviewed at least once a year by the Audit and Risk Committee. The criteria that are of particular importance in these reviews are: competence in reporting, understanding of the structure of the Group, quality of reporting, compliance with deadlines, independence, and costs. The auditors have direct access to the chair of the Audit and Risk Committee regarding the discussion of relevant issues.

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